Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Salam to everyone,
Anyone who comes to this blog might laugh at it and justifiably so. In such a large world what difference is this going to make. This is "a feeble voice in wilderness" which has no impact. I agree but I read a story which I want to share with you. i don't know whether it is true or not but I think it is relevant. it is said that when Hadhrat Yousuf (a.s) was being auctioned in the bazar of Egypt all the rich and mighty of Egypt were there to bid. Amongst the bidders there was an old , poor lady. Everyone laughed at her and told her that she stood no chance. She replied, " I know I stand no chance here but I want my effort to get registered there where the riches and power have no value". This lady knew that she had no chance in the auction but she wanted her effort to be registered with Allah so that she is rewarded for it even if it bore no results in this world.
Wa Salam

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